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Williamsburg, KY – More than just a competition, the 10th Annual S3DA Eastern Indoor National Championship in Owensboro, Kentucky, was a celebration of archery, conservation, and community. Hosted by the Scholastic 3-D Archery (S3DA) program, this milestone event brought together archers, families, and outdoor enthusiasts – not just to compete, but to experience how conservation plays a vital role in the future of bowhunting and wildlife management. At the heart of this experience was an interactive conservation booth to educate and inspire attendees.
S3DA National Conservation Coordinator, Patty Reel implemented the 2025 conservation booth with the idea that archers and their families could step into the world of wildlife management through hands-on experiences. From stepping inside a hunting blind to feeling the texture of real fur pelts and examining taxidermy displays up-close, attendees gained a deeper understanding of ethical hunting and conservation. A special conservation centered coloring corner kept participants of all ages engaged, proving that education and fun can go hand in hand. S3DA continues to promote bowhunting and outdoor activities, bridging the gap between competition and conservation.
The weekend also featured some exciting raffles of an Umarex Air Rifle, Barronette Hunting Blind, Scent Thief Trophy Pack, Coghlans Fire Striker and an Elite OnX Hunting Membership donated by industry supporters. In addition to the raffles, a guessing game challenged archers to estimate the number of items in a jar, with two archers winning a pocket tool for having the closest guess. The local Tractor Supply Company, a steadfast supporter of the S3DA Conservation Program, contributed numerous items to the event. S3DA extends its heartfelt thanks to all the companies that generously donated, helping to further conservation education and the growth of the S3DA Conservation program.
S3DA National Conservation Coordinator, Patty Reel said, “I always look forward to the Eastern Indoor National Championship and seeing all the archers and their families. Each year, I am amazed at how many children stop by the booth. We get lots of questions and inquiries and it’s really nice to see more and more kids getting interested. This year, we did a conservation coloring corner, which turned out great! We had so many kids participate that we ran out of coloring sheets. Also, tons of archers stopped by the booth and participated in conservation trivia, which was a fun trivia game that taught archers all about different facts about deer and turkey hunting. One little boy that stopped by the booth participated and got over 10 questions in a row correct and some of the questions were not easy. It amazes me every time how much knowledge these children have.”
Kentucky S3DA State Conservation Coordinator, Dave Frederick, stated, “As a wildlife biologist with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, I believe the conservation program is a crucial part of S3DA. It’s important for kids to understand that archery is more than just a sport – it’s also a valuable tool in wildlife management. Through the conservation program, young archers learn essential skills like aging white-tailed deer, scoring antlers, trapping turkeys, and assessing different habitat types on their own property. Having a conservation booth at the S3DA Eastern Indoor National Championship allows coordinators to engage with parents and kids directly, introducing them to these key concepts while also showcasing the industry sponsors and partners that support our program.”
Interested in bringing conservation education to young archers? Learn more about the S3DA Conservation program by contacting National Conservation Coordinator Patty Reel at (conservations3da@gmail.com) or (864) 933-6962.
About Scholastic 3-D Archery
Scholastic 3-D Archery (S3DA) is a unique, family-oriented youth archery program which has grown exponentially across the US as a next-step initiative to follow introductory archery programs. The mission of the Scholastic 3-D Archery program is to foster, educate and guide youth in the areas of 3D, indoor target, and outdoor target archery as well as safe, ethical bowhunting practices. The goal of the S3DA program is to provide archery and bowhunting opportunities to youth in after-school settings, as well as with archery-affiliated clubs and businesses in the community. S3DA youth participate in 3D and target archery using compound and traditional archery equipment. Youth members can participate at regional, state and national archery events and earn college scholarships from colleges and universities across the US.
Contact the Scholastic 3-D Archery National Office at:
www.s3da.net or 410 Sycamore Street, Williamsburg, KY 40769, Ph: 606.524.3685
Media contact Kayla Bolton at kaylas3da@gmail.com, Ph: 423.494.2204