Pope and Young and Colorado Bowhunters Association Work Together to Halt Unnecessary Legislation
This past week, Pope and Young, North America’s leading bowhunting organization, joined the Colorado Bowhunter’s Association voicing opposition to Colorado’s proposed Blaze Orange requirement during bowhunting seasons.
“Pope and Young was proud to work with the Colorado Bowhunter’s Association to prevent unnecessary restrictions on bowhunters in their state,” said Jason Rounsaville, Executive Director. “In a textbook example of teamwork, the proposal was defeated.”
This is proof your opinion matters. You do have a voice with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commissioners. Thank you to the CPW Commissioners and staff for being open and hearing the voices of all 11,000 of you who took 90 seconds to share your opinions.
We appreciate the Colorado Bowhunter’s Association working with Pope and Young to face this issue on a unified front.
“Hunting is under constant attack and it’s not a full-frontal assault. They chip away at us piece by piece. Through partnerships like this with CBH we can stand our ground and protect bowhunting for future generations,” said Rounsaville.
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More members equate to a larger more powerful voice - resulting in a greater impact. Join Pope and Young and Colorado Bowhunters Association today and make your voice heard.
Pope and Young is North America's leading bowhunting conservation organization. If you are a fair chase, ethical bowhunter, and you care about preserving the culture and future of bowhunting, then you belong to the Pope & Young Club. Join today at www.pope-young.org .