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On Saturday, March 20th, the Pope and Young Club convened a Special Panel of Judges in Alberta, Canada for a potential P&Y World Record Non-Typical American Elk. Shawn O’Shea’s Non-Typical American Elk scored an incredible 449 4/8” and is now the largest bow-harvested Non-Typical American Elk in North America. This amazing bull was arrowed on September 14, 2020 in Minburn County, Alberta.
Measurers present at the Special Panel (L to R) Heath Dreger, Bill Deyo, Joyce Lorenz, Mike Halirewich, and P&Y Records Committee member, Pat McKenzie. With a confirmed final score of 449 4/8”, O’Shea’s bull is the new P&Y World Record. This bull surpasses the previous world record by 5 5/8”.
According the O’Shea the bull was first located in September of 2017. “Routine examinations of trail cameras rendered interesting snapshots of the nocturnal 8 x 7 bull elk. As of yet it had not been seen in other hunts or scouting trips, and interest only grew as time went on like this. The few pictures caught by camera served only as teasers, you had to but look at the photos to realize the massive potential of this animal.”
Shawn finally caught up the bull in the fall of 2020. Shawn recalled, “On the 13th (September), I heard him fighting with another bull and tried to get in close, only to be halted by the dark. Hoping to get a glance the next morning, I set out and was once again treated to a no show. The evening hike in proved promising at first due to an abundance of fresh bull rut activity. Once in place, I tried a few locator calls with no responses. I then set up in a ground blind near a frequently used trail with fresh sign. Eventually the bull appeared to my left at only 30 yards, seemingly planning his next move. He stood for 3 to 5 minutes, with the wind in my favor. In a compromising position, I waited until a draw would not spook the bull. He then closed the gap to 18 yards, and I was able to draw and make the shot count.”
This amazing bull will be invited for display at the Pope and Young Convention in Reno, NV. The convention will run from July 14-17, 2021, with the awards dinner and presentation on Saturday, July 17th.
For Convention information, go to: https://www.pope-young.org/convention/default.asp.
To register on-line, go to: https://tools.eventpower.com/reg/index/HYzHEVu3Zk
This World Record Non-Typical American Elk has been entered into the 32nd recording period representing entries accepted into the P&Y Records Program from January 1st, 2019, to December 31st, 2020. At the close of every biennial recording period, numerical awards and honorable mentions are awarded to the most outstanding bow-harvested animals in each species category that have been entered during this two-year recording period. New World Records are verified and proclaimed, and awards are presented to these outstanding animals during the Pope and Young Club's Biennial Convention and Awards Banquet.