Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Outdoor Stewards’ "Keepers of the Wild" PSA Surpasses $5 Million in Earned Media and 225 Million Impressions

MIDDLEBURY, Conn. – March 25, 2025 – The Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation (OSCF) is celebrating a significant milestone with its “Keepers of the Wild” public service announcement (PSA). Since its launch in September 2024, the PSA has generated more than $5 million in donated media value and reached over 225 million impressions across the general population.

As the general population’s acceptance of activities such as hunting and target shooting continues to decline, it is imperative for those involved in the outdoor space to expand their communication efforts.

Gun owners, hunters, target shooters and the firearms industry contribute significantly to the betterment of society. From addressing food insecurity by donating millions of meals worth of game meat to being primary funders of wildlife conservation, their impact is substantial and often never heard by the general population.

The “Keepers of the Wild” campaign is the largest national PSA initiative to improve cultural acceptance of gun ownership, hunting and target shooting among the general population. OSCF’s 60-second PSA features double-exposure visuals depicting landscapes across the country and narration that educates viewers on how hunters, target shooters and the firearms industry have been primary funders of wildlife conservation for over 80 years.

“I’ve been working in the outdoor space since 1970 and am a big proponent of communicating outside the choir. You can imagine my excitement when, one evening while watching the local primetime news, the Keepers of the Wild commercial came on,” said Al Stewart, director of Nimrod Education Center at Hillsdale College (Hillsdale, MI). “Kudos to Outdoor Stewards for this tremendous effort! I implore others to follow their lead and look for ways to promote such positive messages to a larger audience.”

OSCF continues to work with project partners to distribute their “Keepers of the Wild” PSA to a network of 11,000 radio and television stations nationwide. The initial response has been overwhelmingly positive with the PSA being picked up by stations nationwide. The campaign has exceeded projections and is reaching a massive audience. Due to its success, OSCF is now beginning to develop additional PSAs.

“With a constant barrage of negative messages about firearms, hunting and target shooting making their way to the general population, it is more important than ever to fight back with our own messages to change the narrative,” said Tim Brandt, president of The Murray Road Agency and Outdoor Stewards Board member. “The proven success of the ‘Keepers of the Wild’ PSA provides the blueprint to expand efforts to reach new audiences and champion essential messaging in an impactful manner. We have additional projects and plans in the works to significantly increase efforts in this area in 2026 and beyond. With the support of the outdoor industry, there is little doubt we can win back cultural acceptance of gun ownership, hunting and target shooting among the general population.”

OSCF encourages organizations connected to firearms, hunting or target shooting to promote the PSA through their newsletters, social media and website postings. Contact OSCF’s Executive Director, Jim Curcuruto (203) 450-7202 to discuss efforts to improve cultural acceptance.

For more information about OSCF and its programs, visit www.OutdoorStewards.org or follow OSCF on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

About OSCF

Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation (OSCF) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that works with all facets of the outdoor industry to improve cultural acceptance of gun ownership, hunting, fishing, trapping and target shooting. We use research-based communications and engagement programs that help recruit the next generation of HATS (Hunters, Anglers, Trappers and Shooters) and promote the positive contributions HATS make to society. To learn more about OSCF programs; “Fill A Bag While Filling Your Tag,” “Come With!,”“Connecting with Conservation,” “Donate A Deer” and the “Outdoor Industry Communication Council,” please visit www.OutdoorStewards.org, follow @OutdoorStewards on Instagram or contact Jim Curcuruto at (203) 450-7202, jim@stewardsofconservation.org. Keep up with the latest from OSCF on Instagram, Facebook andYouTube.

The PSA is part of a grant project funded by a multi-state Conservation Grant (F24AP00307), which is jointly administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Office of Conservation Investment and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.