Oct 22, 2024

Research has shown an alarming decline in approval among the general population for activities such as hunting, fishing and target shooting

Hello to my fellow HATS (Hunters, Anglers, Trappers, and Shooters)

There is a ton going on at Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation (OSCF) but we are only putting one item in this month's newsletter because it needs your full attention.

Recent OSCF research has shown an alarming decline in approval among the general population for activities such as hunting, fishing and target shooting. Insights gained from the data show that approximately ten million adult Americans have recently changed their minds and no longer approve of people like you and me participating in these activities.

This change in mindset is alarming indeed, however it is not surprising. Admittedly, HATS™ do not do a very good job at communicating the positive contributions we make to society while groups that are not friendly to HATS™ are quite savvy at communicating negative stories about us (however much embellished they may be) to the masses.

It is past time we start communicating to the general population some of the terrific thing's HATS do such as:

  • HATS personally clean up nature and work to improve habitats for flora and fauna to thrive.
  • HATS ease the food supply chain by self-providing sustainable, organic, free-range protein to feed themselves, their families, and friends.
  • Hunters, trappers, and anglers are the largest contributors of organic meat donations to food banks and are leading the effort to solve the hunger crisis in America.
  • Hunters, trappers, and anglers play a vital role in maintaining healthy wildlife populations.
  • HATS provide funding that supports 36 million acres of public wildlife management areas and are by far the primary funders of land, fish, and wildlife conservation in America.

In an effort to improve cultural acceptance of gun ownership, hunting, fishing, trapping and target shooting, Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation has created the first-ever Public Service Announcement (PSA) that informs the general population that hunters and target shootings are primary funders of conservation.

Over the next few months our PSA will be distributed to a network of 11,000 radio and television stations across the United States. The PSA is expected to receive more than two hundred million impressions and $5,000,000 in earned media making it the largest effort to reach the general population with a positive message about how hunters and target shooters fund conservation that we are aware of.

While it is important to reach the general population with this positive message, we also want to reach HATS themselves so they can share it with their friends, family, co-workers, and customers. That's where you come in.

We are asking you to watch the following 60 second PSA and, if you like what you see, please share it to your personal social media accounts.

Additionally, we ask that you work with your company's communication team and have the PSA sent out in your company newsletters, post it to your website, and promote it on your company social media accounts.

Click the image to watch our "Keepers of the Wild" PSA:

Here is the video link to share as well as a QR code:


Please tag/collaborate @OutdoorStewards when you and your organization share the PSA on social media.

Additional information can be found at: https://www.outdoorstewards.org/conserve/

Thank you for helping win back cultural acceptance for HATS by sharing the positive contributions we make.

Hats off to HATS!

Reach out anytime,

Jim Curcuruto
Executive Director, OSCF
(203) 450-7202